A mastermind experience for fast-growing, innovative business owners and C-level executives
At Starboard Collectives, it’s all hands on deck to help you reach your goals.
“a Smooth sea never made a skilled Sailor”
That’s why our mission is focused on equipping you with community, accountability, and financial literacy – so you can set sail toward success, no matter the storms that come.
Why Choose a Starboard Collective mastermind?
✔ Dedicated time to work on your business. No one will do the visionary work for you.
✔ Proven track record. These groups have been meeting for over 20 years and have the results to back it up.
✔ Support. The CEO position can be lonely and this group surrounds you with expert advice. Starboard gives you a dedicated board of stars to support and challenge you.
✔ In-depth financial analysis. A key pillar is financial review and benchmarking against industry standards and key ratios.
✔ Accountability. The group tracks your performance and holds you accountable to goals and initiatives.
✔ Professionally facilitated. The group is kept on track, on time and well organized with professional guidance.
✔ Outperform your competition. With consistent efforts in forming and maintaining best practices and accountability to stay the course, it’s impossible not to improve.
✔ It’s fun. You’ll form deep and lasting friendships with your fellow group members.
Don’t set sail alone.
What to Expect from Starboard Collective
Hand-picked Members
This is your board of stars. Cohorts are limited to business owners or “C suite” who are fast growing, innovative and willing to try new things. We are selective in the companies that are part of your cohort - not only industry, but growth trajectory, ownership structure, long term goals, and revenue bands.
Team Captains
The cohort coaches, or captains, are leaders in the industry that you are part of. They have a proven track record and have done “all the things” - including have lead a company that is at least at the next revenue band (e.g., if you’re a $1m - $10m firm, your captain will have lead a $10m - $20m firm).
Monthly Calls
Your cohort will meet “live” (via Zoom) for a 2 hour meeting each month. Monthly meetings alternate between themed trainings and meetings focused on updating the group on your progress. We share goals and objectives so there is a sense of accomplishment and accountability.
Focused Trainings
Every other month there is a learning theme where members prepare in advance. Examples of themes include: preparing for an exit, sales and marketing, how to find and attract the right people, goal setting for 1, 3, 5 years, finding your North Star, etc.
1:1 Support
Coaches don’t lead the meetings, as much as serve as a guide as every member learns about themselves and explores their businesses. Every cohort member has the opportunity to connect one-on-one with their coach for 30 minutes per month for coaching, guidance, and perspective.
In addition to time spent together on monthly calls, Starboard members can connect between meetings via an online Slack forum. Along with connecting with their cohort, members can also connect with the wider Starboard community, building their network.
Financial KPIs
Financial literacy is the North Star of your business success, helping you navigate through smooth or stormy seas. A key component of Starboard is that financial KPIs (unique to your industry) are prepared by our team and shared with members on a quarterly basis. This is how you really learn what your fellow members are doing.
Goal Accountability
Along with financial reports, the flow of the meetings are centered around annual plans that are shared with each other. By stating your biggest goals for the year out loud, they immediately become more real. By being held accountable to those goals by your peers and team captain, they become much more likely to be reached.
Annual Meeting
We will offer an annual meeting in Portland, OR, where members can meet each other in person. Even though this is not a “social club”, given the intensity and openness of the cohort meetings, the friendships that are developed become deep and lasting. The chance to connect in person is something every member values.
Results from Our Cohorts
Being a part of a Starboard Collective means you are dedicating time to spend working ON, rather than IN your business.
All businesses require this time, and we believe there is no more efficient way to level up your business than by spending time with other excellent leaders in your industry and focusing on your financials.